Percentage of persons in cultural employment   (Percentage)

country Year Persons in cultural employment
Malaysia 2014 3.32
Malaysia 2015 3.8
Mongolia 2014 3.9
Mongolia 2015 --
Pakistan 2014 7.86
Pakistan 2015 8.6
Philippines 2014 2.92
Philippines 2015 2.9
Russian Federation 2014 7.6
Sri Lanka 2015 7.1
Thailand 2014 4.56
Thailand 2015 4.5
Turkey 2014 6.27
Turkey 2015 6.3
Vietnam 2014 5.43
Vietnam 2015 5.3

Cultural Occupations

country Year Persons employed in
cultural occupations
Persons employed in
cultural occupations that are females
Malaysia 2014 2.5 55.4
Malaysia 2015 2.9 58.7
Mongolia 2014 3.2 43.5
Mongolia 2015 5.4 55.6
Pakistan 2014 7.1 37.3
Pakistan 2015 7.7 37.4
Philippines 2014 2.2 57.6
Philippines 2015 2.1 57.8
Russian Federation 2014 5.4 54.1
Sri Lanka 2015 6.4 66.6
Thailand 2014 3.7 50.2
Thailand 2015 3.7 51.9
Turkey 2014 4.6 36.7
Turkey 2015 4.5 38
Vietnam 2014 4.8 57.9
Vietnam 2015 4.6 58.1

Socio Demographic characteristics   (Percentage of persons employed in cultural occupations)

country Year that are 15-24 years old that are 25-64 years old that are 65+ years old that have no schooling that have some or completed
primary education
that have secondary or post-secondary
non-tertiary education
that have tertiary education non cultural occupations
that have no schooling
Malaysia 2014 11.4 88.6 -- 2.3 11 48.7 38 2.6
Malaysia 2015 12.9 87.1 -- 2.6 11.6 47.9 37.9 3.1
Mongolia 2014 11.9 88 0.2 0.1 1.9 23.7 74.3 3
Mongolia 2015 -- 91.4 -- -- -- 50.7 44.2 2.7
Pakistan 2014 33.5 64.7 1.8 3.8 23.4 35.5 5.6 3.1
Pakistan 2015 33.2 65.2 1.6 3.4 20.9 36.7 5.2 3.1
Philippines 2014 18.2 78.1 3.6 0.5 17.6 46.4 35.5 1.6
Philippines 2015 17 79.4 3.6 0.4 15.6 46.8 37.1 1.5
Russian Federation 2014 5.7 92.8 1.5 -- 0.7 14.3 84.9 0.2
Sri Lanka 2015 16 79.6 4.4 -- 8.5 89.2 1.5 2.1
Thailand 2014 9.1 83.4 7.5 2.6 39.5 28.9 28.7 3.4
Thailand 2015 8.6 84.6 6.9 1.8 35.8 29.8 31.9 3.3
Turkey 2014 15.3 83.7 1.1 7 34.2 33.9 24.9 8.2
Turkey 2015 15.1 83.7 1.2 2.5 53.9 14.6 29 4
Vietnam 2014 16.3 81.8 1.9 1.1 22.9 54.7 21.1 3.9
Vietnam 2015 16.6 81.6 1.8 1 25.1 50.7 23 3.6

Socio-Economic Characteristics   (Percentage of )

country Year persons employed in cultural occupations that have more than one job persons employed in cultural occupations that work part-time persons employed in cultural occupations that are self-employed employees that are in cultural occupations employees in cultural occupations that are temporary workers regular employees that are in cultural occupations
Malaysia 2014 -- -- 40 1.8 -- --
Malaysia 2015 -- -- 46.4 1.9 --
Mongolia 2014 3.3 -- 13.6 5.4 0.9 5.6
Mongolia 2015 -- -- 46.5 5.4 -- 5.5
Pakistan 2014 3.4 3.4 50 8.9 67.1 5.8
Pakistan 2015 4.2 4.2 55.1 8.8 68.3 5.4
Philippines 2014 4.2 28.3 15.6 3.2 21.3 3.5
Philippines 2015 3.5 27.9 14.6 3 21.6 3.4
Russian Federation 2014 2.2 0.8 4.2 5.6 6.5 5.8
Sri Lanka 2015 5.2 19.1 53 5.3 55.3 5.1
Thailand 2014 .. 7.7 43.7 4.5 -- --
Thailand 2015 -- 11.5 43.3 4.5 -- --
Turkey 2014 1.9 15.4 28.2 5 7.4 5.3
Turkey 2015 2.4 14.4 27.2 4.9 7.5 5.2
Vietnam 2014 11.3 -- -- -- -- --
Vietnam 2015 9.8 -- 37.8 7.3 -- --

Cultural Industries   (Persons employed in )

country Year cultural industries cultural industries that are females
Malaysia 2014 1.3 43.6
Malaysia 2015 1.4 41.6
Mongolia 2014 1.5 44
Mongolia 2015 2.7 52.2
Pakistan 2014 1.3 9.2
Pakistan 2015 1.5 7.3
Philippines 2014 1.2 43.4
Philippines 2015 1.3 44.9
Russian Federation 2014 3.7 59.3
Sri Lanka 2015 1.3 25.2
Thailand 2014 1.8 42.2
Thailand 2015 1.8 43.8
Turkey 2014 2.7 29.8
Turkey 2015 2.8 31.9
Vietnam 2014 1 41.7
Vietnam 2015 1 42.6

* -- Data not available